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Caprina Brown
Caprina Brown
Energy Healing and Sanskrit Chant
Durgayatanam Healing Arts LLC
Energy Healing and Sanskrit Chant
Durgayatanam Healing Arts LLC

Brennan Healing Science sessions bypass the critical mind to integrate and regulate the energy of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of your being.
Benefits of energy healing that have been studied and shown in a hospital setting include:
- reduced anxiety
- pain reduction
- stress reduction
- accelerated recovery after surgery
- decreased healing time by one-third to one-half the normal time
- decreased amount of medication needed
- reduction in side effects from invasive medical treatments
Clients report these energy healing benefits:
- Increased well-being and optimum health
- diminished symptoms of chronic illness
- decreased recovery time after surgery
- decreased recovery time from acute illness and injury
- diminished acute and chronic pain
- reduction in side effects from chemo therapy and radiation
- promotion of wound and burn healing
- reduction of stress, anxiety and depression
- deep relaxation
- improved sleep
- trauma healing
- clearing of infections
- enhanced self esteem and self nurturing
- increased creativity
- a strong grounded connection to one's inner knowing
- support in life and career transitions
- aligning with one's life purpose
- clarity and insight into long standing life issues
- resolution of long standing life issues
- a strong sense of peace and coming into oneself
- improved relationships
- strong spiritual connectedness
- creation of what one has always longed for
- and much more...
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