Caprina Brown
Caprina Brown
Energy Healing and Sanskrit Chant
Durgayatanam Healing Arts LLC
Energy Healing and Sanskrit Chant
Durgayatanam Healing Arts LLC

My Introduction to Energy Healing
My Introduction to Energy Healing
In the midst of a personal health scare and having learned of Barbara Brennan's unique gifts as a healer, I wanted to receive a healing from her. Since she had closed her healing practice to run her school full time, the only way to do this was to attend one of her introductory workshops. On the last day Barbara stood on stage and entering an expanded state, transmitted healing energy to our entire group. She asked us to align our intention with why we had come. Sitting in the front row, I aligned with my intention to heal the cause of the health issue I was facing. Moments later I experienced my mother walking into my heart and me walking into hers. It was an experience of profound love and forgiveness. We embraced each other and forgave each other for everything until all that remained was pure love. Upon returning home, my relationship with my mother had completely changed, and so had my health diagnosis.

Energy Healing
- Barbara Brennan School of Healing Graduate
- Barbara Brennan School of Healing Advanced Studies Grad
- Frequencies of Brilliance Advanced Practitioner
- Clinical Hypnosis and Regression Therapist (certification through IARRT, The Hypnotic Research Society, and The Institute of Thought.)
Vedic and Sanskrit Chant and Grammar, Yoga and Vedanta Philosophy ,Meditation, Puja, Goddess Traditions and Mentoring
- Immersed in the Sivanada yoga tradition of Rishikesh, India and others for 19 years of living among and assisting yogis and spiritual teachers.
University of Minnesota
- BA Anthropology cum laude
Licensed public school educator
Who am I?
Who am I?
...is the guiding question that has lead me in my life. My exploration of psychology, energy and consciousness, spirituality and the healing arts has been life long and has gifted me with experiences and realization that has forever altered my view of myself, life and what healing really is. I am a healer and teacher whose gift is assisting people in having more of themselves, in sync with the flow of life, healthy, trusting and loving it!
In addition to my formal training, my life path has been my greatest teacher and guide. I entered college with an interest in health care. After completing pre-physical therapy courses, working as a nursing assistant, and volunteering in cardiac rehab, I became more fascinated with why some people healed, and others did not. I observed how beliefs, thoughts and feelings significantly influence health. Following my curiosity I switched to the study of psychology, sociology, and culture, deeply intrigued by the power of our stories, both personal and cultural, to shape our experience of reality. My honors degree is in cultural anthropology. Additionally, I have been an educator in the public schools for over 16 years.
Originally from Waterloo, Iowa, I have made my home in the Minneapolis area for over 25 years. In my personal time I enjoy quiet lake walks, gardening, meditation, creativity of all kinds and being in nature. A lover of travel, some highlights have been living and studying in Toledo, Spain and traveling the Indian Himalaya enjoying the ancient pilgrimage places. I also helicoptered around Mt. Everest, visited the many regions of Nepal, and tasted my way through Italy with my mom. My latest unexpected adventure involved driving the Alaska Highway with my husband in the middle of winter. I spent summer 2016 in Alaska's National Parks.