Caprina Brown
Caprina Brown
Energy Healing and Sanskrit Chant
Durgayatanam Healing Arts LLC
Energy Healing and Sanskrit Chant
Durgayatanam Healing Arts LLC

The Essence of my work...
The Essence of my work...
Is to mirror, guide, and empower you on your way home to more of your Self. This is the essence of all healing and transformation. Coming home to and trusting the core Self is how miracles happen in our lifes. The many
complementary, holistic therapies I offer in my holistic healing practice enhance and accelerate the natural healing processes of the body, emotions, mind and spirit.

The result is a shift in how we experience ourselves and the world around us. We enter into a life of effortlessness, miracles, depth, and profound meaning. When our energy system is clear, balanced, charged and freely flowing in communion with universal energy, we are in the clear reality of the present moment and the body, mind, and spirit are supported in health and creativity. When energy is blocked and imbalanced, we are in our projected stories, separated from ourselves and each other. Often dis-ease is present.
For over 17 years I have studied and practiced the art and science of healing and awakening both personally and professionally. I have come to see that greatness lies within each of us and that our bodies and energy systems have a natural inclination toward health and well being. They know what we need and provide the perfect information for us to follow. This guidance opens us to our life's work and purpose. I consider it the highest honor and priveledge to assist in another person's healing and transformational process.